Improvements to FE Parts for easier flex body workflows and more productivity

Improvements to FE Parts for easier flex body workflows and more productivity

FE Part is an Adams integrated alternative to model flexible bodies, which has mass and is accurate for very large deformation cases of beam-like structures. It provides a fast way to model geometrically nonlinear parts in the systems model. Adams 2021 has several new features to improve the FE part creation workflow.

In previous versions of Adams, either a curve or two end markers were prerequisites for creating an FE Part. If the user had centerline data in Cartesian coordinates, they had to create a reference curve with those coordinates and then refer to it to a FE Part.

In addition, the shape of FE Part is fixed by the reference curve. Users could only add or remove nodes on the predefined centerline. If the shape had to be modified, then the reference curve had to be changed. With this new feature in Adams 2021, users can add a node as a control point for the FE Part centerline. Thus, any addition/deletion of a node would influence the FE Part centerline to pass through all nodes.

In previous releases, the Adams FE Part’s initial velocity could be set only through the Adams View command language. In this release, users can specify an FE Part’s initial velocity directly through the FE Part wizard in the Adams View interface.  This new feature extends the set of applications that can utilize FE Parts such as moving vehicles, conveyor belts, etc.)

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