SimAcademy – Adaptive Time Stepping Procedures In Implicit Nonlinear Analysis | MSC Nastran [Video]


Question: Where can I learn more about load (time) stepping procedures in implicit nonlinear analysis?

Answer: For MSC Nastran users, you can watch this SimAcademy webinar Adaptive Time Stepping Procedures In Implicit Nonlinear Analysis.

Here is a preview of the SimAcademy Webinar.

Details of the webinar:

Load (time) stepping procedure is important in nonlinear analysis. The NLSTEP bulk data provides a unified load stepping scheme that replaces existing options entries such as NLPARM, TSTEPNL, NLPCI, and NLADAPT. This option can be used for statics and dynamics, fixed and adaptive load stepping, definition of convergence criteria and other options for mechanical, thermal and coupled analysis. In MSC Nastran 2012, NLSTEP option is extended with a new keyword that automatically sets up the entries for the time stepping adjustment and convergence tolerance. This makes it possible to use smart default based on users' judgment of the nonlinearity of the model to be analyzed.

Topics for this session include:

  • Existing nonlinear stepping control options
  • Unified control option for single and multi physics jobs: NLSTEP
  • Step size
  • Stiffness Update Strategy
  • Convergence Criteria
  • Convergence Tolerances
  • Frequency of Output
  • New keyword CTRLDEF in NLSTEP  userfriendly entry based on model nonlinearity
  • General NLSTEP recommendation
  • Demo

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