Generative design habit 2: Design for usability

Generative design habit 2: Design for usability

The 7 habits of highly effective Generative Design

A distinctive difference to the classic topology approach is that Generative Design is highly user focused. It is designed from the user’s perspective, taking into account where unnecessary manual work is required and how this can be automated. For example, with MSC Apex Generative Design the time-consuming process of meshing is automated, self-healing, error-free, and performed within seconds. And there’s no need to deal with complex FE calculations. The complexity of optimization is abstracted, and for MSC Software’s solution, the renowned MSC Apex user interface supports setting up the optimization model. The familiar working environment facilitates a fast and productive start without an extensive training period. Existing CAD data is easily imported, or the operation can start from scratch.

CAD manipulation for defining design and non-design spaces is lean and smooth, the data easily adapted to those requirements. The whole workflow is designed to be in one integrated software, leveraging the different software solutions for load detection — for example in MSC Adams, using MSC Apex functionalities for model setup, applying the powerful Generative Design engine for design generation and finally verification with MSC Nastran. After that, MSC Software products from Simufact or eXstream conduct manufacturing optimization. This is where usability drives innovative design.

This blog series will explain briefly “The 7 habits of highly effective Generative Design”. Follow us in the coming weeks to learn more!

Next week: Generative Design Habit 3: Design for Productivity

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