MSC Software Has Been Providing Engineering Simulation Software Solutions for the Last 54 Years

MSC Software Has Been Providing Engineering Simulation Software Solutions for the Last 54 Years

By Dominic Gallello & Doug Neill 

Getting answers that accurately correlate to physical test is the “raison d’etre” for mathematicians and engineers who create CAE applications. The foundation of MSC Software was laid in the 1960’s during the race for space. No matter how much on-the-ground physical testing was done, nothing could completely mimic the ultimate physical test that needed to take place. Getting it right the first time was essential!

Delivering the “right” answers means far more than accurately solving a set of equations. It means building the right physics into those equations. And, these answers needed to be obtained within the time frame of engineering decision-making. That means the tools need to be robust, predictable, and fast. MSC’s solutions have always been at the forefront of the aerospace industry providing:

Getting it right is also about providing information to change a concept to make it better (lighter, stronger, more easily manufactured, etc.) Our foundations were laid in the race for space and we have never forgotten that getting answers that accurately correlate to physical test is our prerequisite. But we also have worked to expand the applicability of first the finite element method and now general CAE to help drive engineering design. We thrive on the endless quest to get the right answer. First we will get it right. Then we will make it fast. Then we refine it all to make it robust and timely for the engineering decision makers to use FE comfortably to make their decisions quickly and with confidence.

Read the full article here

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