Simulating Reality, Delivering Certainty


Multi-Phase Simulations with Marc and Simufact

Simulation of complex manufacturing processes (like welding) needs to take phase transformations of elastoplastic materials into consideration, in order to account for the microstructural properties in the weld core and HAZ (Heat Affected Zone). Such simulations can predict peak temperatures, residual stresses and weld distortions after cooling. Welding defects like hot cracks can thus be …


Extending the Life of Subsea Drilling Equipment

Subsea drilling is conducted through a string of steel pipe called a rigid riser that runs from the oil rig to the blowout preventer (BOP). The primary purpose of the BOP is to cut off the flow of oil in the event of an emergency during drilling. As the oil rig moves with waves and …


Polestar Racing: Accuracy to the second or third decimal place

Race car engineering is a notoriously competitive environment in which the minutest aspects of design and the smallest adjustments can separate the winners from the losers. To stay on top of the game, Polestar Racing uses Adams to evaluate different vehicle designs in critical areas of the track such as corners. Adams/Car allows Polestar to …