Tag - CAE


Patran Tip – Displaying IDs: Solid 1.4, Surface 4.2, etc.

Question: I need to apply a pressure to face Solid 1.4, how can I display this ID on the viewport? Answer: Go to Utilities>Display>Geometry Free Faces/Edges… and check on Free Faces, Free Edges, or Free Vert. and Face Label. Want to expand your knowledge? Watch a SimAcademy webinar. SimAcademy webinars teach you how to use …


Patran Tip – Identify Entity IDs On-the-fly

Question: How do I get ID numbers to appear on an entity as I move my mouse over them? Answer: Go to Preferences>Picking and check on “Label Highlighting.” Whenever you hover over an entity, the ID becomes visible. Want to expand your knowledge? Watch a SimAcademy webinar. SimAcademy webinars teach you how to use the …


Simulating the Manufacturing Process

Improve your FEA of composites Question: How do you accurately simulate manufacturing processes? Answer: You use Marc, the advanced nonlinear simulation solution. When Setforge Engineering set upon simulating the electro-upsetting process used to make very long sectional parts,  Nicolas Behr, Chief Project Engineer, had this to say about Marc: We now know that we can …


MSC Software Pro Tip

Improve your FEA of composites Question: I'm stuck on a problem and I need support. Who can I contact? Answer: If you've exhausted all of your options, perhaps our team of engineers can help. You can contact them using the appropriate method of contact.  


Accelerate your FEA Performance

Imagine increasing the speed of your FEA runs just like you would improve the performance of your car by adding an additional part. GPU cards make accelerating your FEA runs possible. Simply install a proper GPU card, and go! MSC Software will be hosting a webinar titled Accelerate your High Performance Computing and will include …


Patran Tip – Group Transform: Translate, Rotate, Mirror, and more

Question: Is there a way to easily rotate a group of elements? Answer:Yes, you can “transform” groups such that you translate, rotate, scale, mirror, and more. In addition, the associated boundary conditions and element properties are carried over. You can use the tool as follows: Option 1: In the model tree, you can right click on …

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