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Properly Applying Loads to Finite Elements | MSC Nastran

In finite element analysis, the loads are often applied to the elements rather than to the grid points. Examples of such loadings include the edge load on a CQUAD4 element or a pressure load on one of the faces of a solid element. When you convert these element loads to grid point loads, a common …


Making Sense of FEA Node (Grid Point) Stresses | MSC Nastran

When you are working with a structure that is modeled with either plate or solid elements, it is quite common that you may want to look at either the printed output or contour plots of the element component stresses. If this is the case, extra care must be taken on your part to ensure that …


The Best FEA Mesh Transition | MSC Nastran

Mesh transition can be a complicated subject. It may simply be used to refine the mesh in a particular area, connect different element types (for example, a CBAR element to a solid element), or provide transitions required to model the geometry of the structure. Two guidelines for mesh transitions are as follows: Never place a …


The Best FEA Mesh Density for Accuracy and Speed | MSC Nastran

The mesh density in a finite element model is an important topic because of its relationship to accuracy and cost. In many instances, the minimum number of elements is set by topological considerations, for example, one element per member in a space frame or one element per panel in a stiffened shell structure. In the …


Choosing the Right Finite Element | MSC Nastran

MSC Nastran contains a large library of structural elements. In many situations several elements are capable of modeling the same structural effects. The criteria for the selection of an element may include its capabilities (for example, whether it supports anisotropic material properties), its cost (in general, the more DOF an element has, the more expensive …


Automating FEA Model Quality Check and Validation | MSC Nastran

Question: How can I automate my FEA model check and validation? Answer: Most companies know that Finite Element Analysis (FEA) can be a very powerful and beneficial tool to support their product development process. In addition, most of these companies know that it can be a dangerous tool if not used properly. Any successful strategy that …

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